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EVTopTabBar is a custom UIPageViewController for iOS where the page control is at the top. It currently supports up to 4 tabs.



To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory.


  • Swift 3.0+
  • iOS 8.0+


EVTopTabBar is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "EVTopTabBar"

Also include


Getting Started

import EVTopTabBar

Implement the EVTabBar protocol and conform to it (The example project has a detailed implementation). In order to conform to the protocol declare:

var pageController = UIPageViewController(transitionStyle: .Scroll, navigationOrientation: .Horizontal, options: nil)
//need to instantiate the topTabBar itself, later we will implement the delegate method
//enum .two, .three, .four correspond to the number of tabs you wish to display
var topTabBar: EVPageViewTopTabBar = EVPageViewTopTabBar(for: .four)
//array of view controllers that will be controlled by the page view controller
var subviewControllers: [UIViewController] = []
//image from the sample project can use any UIImage you want, this shadow is what is displayed under the tab bar.
var shadowView = UIImageView(image: UIImage(imageLiteral: "filter-background-image"))

Now in your view controller implement the EVPageViewTopTabBarDelegate method willSelectViewControllerAtIndex This method allows for view controllers to switch and gives a space to perform any other actions.

extension ViewController: EVPageViewTopTabBarDelegate {
    //delegate method
    func willSelectViewControllerAtIndex(index: Int, direction: UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirection) {
        //required line that changes the displayed view controller
        pageController.setViewControllers([self.subviewControllers[index]], direction: direction, animated: true, completion: nil)
        //add whatever code you wish to occur on the transition!

Next will want to call the setupPageView() and setupConstraints() methods in order to setup the page layout. You can override both of these methods to create a more custom application.

Lastly you will want to setup the topTabBar you previously declared

//attributes of the topTabBar you can set
topTabBar.fontColors = (selectedColor: UIColor.grayColor(), unselectedColor: UIColor.lightGrayColor())
topTabBar.rightButtonText = "Events"
topTabBar.leftButtonText = "Contacts"
topTabBar.labelFont = UIFont(name: ".SFUIText-Regular", size: 11)!
topTabBar.indicatorViewColor = UIColor.blueColor()
topTabBar.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
//ensure you set the topTabBar's delegate
topTabBar.delegate = self
//add view controllers you wish to display
let firstVC = FirstViewController(nibName:"FirstViewController", bundle: nil)
let secondVC = SecondViewController(nibName:"SecondViewController", bundle: nil)
subviewControllers = [firstVC, secondVC]

Project description

EVTabBar Protocol


  • setupPageView() Sets the UI for the View Controller including the UIPageViewController, shadowView and View Controllers to display inside of the Page View.
  • setupConstraints() Sets the initial constraints for the View Controller



  • willSelectViewControllerAtIndex(index: Int, direction: UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirection) Controls the changing of the View Controllers inside of the PageViewController and gives a space to perform any other actions on transition

Future Features

  • More flexibility with the shadow view


Eric Vennaro, epv9@case.edu, blog


EVTopTabBar is available under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more info.

Copyright © 2016-present Eric Vennaro.